2010 Record Set for Budget Giving, Surpasses budget for 1st time in 9 years, Receipts rise 12%. Praise the Lord. Thanks @allenwalworth & Generis
“How Can I Say Thanks for Things You Have Done for Me?” Andrae Crouch’s lyrics begin hymn 153 in the Baptist Hymnal. These words capture the spirit of your generosity in 2010. This was truly a record year of giving and sacrifice.
In 2010, First Baptist exceeded budget for the first time in 9 years. We gave the most to the budget in the history of First Baptist, and our giving exceeded last year’s receipts by over 12%.
Here is a quick summary, as of this writing:
2009 Total Receipts 2010 Budget Need 2010 Budget Given
$1,678,236 $1,776,048 Over $1,880,000
You will hear more about this in our business meeting February 2, but I could not wait to thank you.
I am so grateful for a group of courageous laity on the Generosity Task Force who saw an opportunity when the need was so great. Jim Decker and Betty Coley chaired the group. Mark Moeller, our Associate Pastor, provided direction and leadership. Allen Walworth from Generis provided hands on counsel and advice at key points along the way. The church stepped forward, gave generously, and God provided.“Because you have given much,” you touched people like Connie and Kim (pictured below) with the love of Christ. They spent a week with us in February as part of our partnership with Family Promise of Knoxville. Volunteers served meals and spent the night with them. Your budget gifts supported the program, staff and utility costs to serve this homeless mother and teenage daughter. By November, Connie and Kim found an apartment and were back on their feet. They wrote, “Thank you for giving Kimberly and I an environment where we could just breathe, a place that was and still is full of support and patience. Kimberly and I received so much support and caring from each or our host churches and their volunteers, sometimes it was very overwhelming. I didn’t think it was possible for people who didn’t know us could care so much. I now have my own apartment full of furnishings that someone gave to Family Promise. When I sit at the kitchen table and have morning coffee I look around and say to myself, ‘I am Home. Kim and I are Home! Thank you everyone!”
“I am Home.”
What great words to be said of First Baptist and the love you have given this year.
Welcome home!
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